Fractures occur quite commonly around us be it in the school, college, playground, workplace, homes,roads,etc.
I am sure some or the other family member or a friend or some random person around us has broken their bone at some point in their lives.
So what should we do when someone breaks his bone?
Always remember a pneumonic in such a case i.e. R.I.C.E
R- Rest. Provide rest to the affected part with the help of a splint
I- Ice pack
C- Compression
E- Elevation of the affected part.
-Splint them where they lie.
-Any nearby object like folded newspaper, magazine, rigid cardboard, stick, bamboo,umbrella,pillow,etc can be used.
-Any available long piece of cloth can be used for tying the splint to fractured limb.
-Advantage of splinting-
1. Prevents movement at the site of fracture therefoe prevents pain.
2. Prevent further damage to the skin, muscles,nerves and vessels of the injured limb.
3. Transportation of the patient is made easier.
-Immediately apply ice pack. Take crushed ice in a polyethene bag and cover it with a wet cloth.
-Ice packs are also available in the market.
-It helps in reducing the pain and swelling.
-Apply crepe bandage over the swelling and make sure it's not too tight.
-It helps to reduce the swelling.
-Elevate the affected leg with the help of pillow or if the arm is affected, pillow and sling can be used.
Call the ambulance or take the person to a hospital immediately for a timely intervention and management to prevent any complications.
It's our duty to help the victims which should be performed with respect and responsibility.
For any further information dm on Instagram at myhealth_mypriority_
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