Fractures occur quite commonly around us be it in the school, college, playground, workplace, homes,roads,etc. I am sure some or the other family member or a friend or some random person around us has broken their bone at some point in their lives. So what should we do when someone breaks his bone? Always remember a pneumonic in such a case i.e. R.I.C.E R - Rest . Provide rest to the affected part with the help of a splint I - Ice pack C - Compression E - Elevation of the affected part. SPLINTING -Splint them where they lie. -Any nearby object like folded newspaper, magazine, rigid cardboard, stick, bamboo,umbrella,pillow,etc can be used. -Any available long piece of cloth can be used for tying the splint to fractured limb. -Advantage of splinting- 1. Prevents movement at the site of fracture therefoe prevents pain. 2. Prevent further damage to the skin, muscles,nerves and vessels of the injured limb. 3. Transportation of t...